This section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor allows you to alter many of the values for the parameters used in the Probe Options tab of the Parameter Settings dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Parameters).
If the default values for these settings are correct for the measurement, then you don't need to insert an OptionProbe command into the measurement routine.
If you need to override the default values for a specific measurement scenario, open the Parameter Settings dialog box and specify an alternate value, and then insert an OptionProbe command into the measurement routine.
For the SP6MTX entries, the software obtains these values after you complete the SP600 Lower Level Matrix calibration. PC-DMIS uses the values to create force variations it needs to accurately obtain the low level matrix numbers for your probe.
For information on how to perform a lower level matrix calibration, see the "Contact Scanning Probe Calibration Procedures" topic in the "Setting Up and Using Probes" chapter of the PC-DMIS CMM documentation.
Information is provided below for each of the USER_ANALOG_PROBING strings.