Executing Routines to Measure Parts

Setting Up for Local PC-DMIS Routines

You can execute measurement routines to measure parts from these areas:

From the Home screen you can execute routines in these ways:

(You can show or hide the Product ID search box with the Search setting located under the Home Elements section of the Settings screen.)

You can also execute a playlist of routines. For information, see "Using Playlists".

Dimension Sets

In addition to playlists, you can execute subsets of routines, known as dimension sets. These dimension sets appear in the Details pane under the Dimension Sets area. This area only appears if you have a measurement routine with defined dimension sets (in PC-DMIS, for example, these sets are known as marked sets or mini routines).

For dimension sets to work, in PC-DMIS, be sure to mark the Support execution time display and Inspect check box on the General tab of the Setup Options dialog box.

To execute a set, from the Details pane, choose the desired set, and click Execute. Inspect follows the general execution process for the measurement application, then it shows the Measure screen and the post-execution results as usual. With the Out of Tolerance button in the Details pane, you can execute only the out-of-tolerance items in the last-executed dimension set or sets. For more information, see "Dimension Sets" in "The Details Pane".

About Scheduler and Execution

If you have the Scheduler add-on enabled, important scheduled tasks, such as probe calibration and Swift-Check execution can be enforced according to a defined schedule in the Settings screen, Scheduler section. This can affect what happens during execution. For example, if the probe's calibration or if a Swift-Check is out of date, Inspect cannot execute the routine, and it shows an error message.

Related Topics:

PC-DMIS Execution Process

QUINDOS Execution Process

EYE-D Add-on Execution Process

Working with Measurement Results

Using Playlists

The Details Pane

The Measure Screen

The Results View