
The original Swift-Check is a Visual Basic software application created by Hexagon Manufacturing. It uses PC-DMIS and QUINDOS in the background to run a measurement routine that measures a special hardware artifact. The routine generates a report that validates the accuracy of your CMM.

Swift Check Artifact

Swift-Check Artifact

With the Swift-Check add-on, you can run all the same checks that the original application did with Inspect.

You may find it useful to run Swift-Check occasionally between annual service and calibrations. We recommended that you run it at least quarterly or if your CMM gets bumped or shaken. If you also have the Scheduler add-on installed, you can set the frequency of when to run the checks. In that case, Inspect allows you to run measurement routines only if the Swift-Check scheduled run hasn't yet expired.

For Swift-Check to work, you need the Swift-Check artifact on a bridge-style CMM. Inspect also needs either PC-DMIS or QUINDOS. You then need to install the Swift-Check add-on. For more information on Swift-Check, see the instructions in the user guide that came with your Swift-Check artifact.

Related Topics:

Using Swift-Check to Validate the CMM

The Add-ons Screen

Swift-Check Settings

The Swift-Check Screen