The Swift-Check Screen

To access this screen, you can click Swift-Check (Swift-Check) from the left sidebar. This screen is available if you have the Swift-Check add-on installed. This screen shows tiles for all the checks you can run with Swift-Check to validate the accuracy of your CMM:

To see descriptions of the individual checks, click the Card View button (Card layout) from the display buttons or view the description for a selected check on the Details pane.


For Swift-Check to work, you need the Swift-Check artifact on a bridge-style CMM. Inspect also needs either PC-DMIS or QUINDOS. You then need to install the Swift-Check add-on. For more information on Swift-Check, see the instructions in the user guide that came with your Swift-Check artifact.

When you hover your pointer over a tile, Inspect shows a play button on the tile and a Run Check button on the Details pane so that you can run that check.

You can run multiple checks by selecting multiple tiles and clicking the Run Check button.

Swift Check with the Scheduler Add-On

If you have the Scheduler add-on also installed, one of these icons is always visible:

In-date symbol - This icon appears on the Full Check tile, but it applies for all checks. It means your checks are valid, in date, and that you may proceed to measure your parts.

Out-of-date symbol - This icon may appear on one or more tiles. It means those specific checks are invalid or out of date. You need to run those checks before you can run any measurement routines.

If you run all the checks with Full Check, and one of the checks fails to validate, Inspect marks all the checks with a caution icon (Out-of-date symbol). This is because Inspect doesn't know which specific check failed.

Related Topics:


Using Swift-Check to Validate the CMM