Working with Favorites

If you have the Favorites add-on installed, you can store favorite products to the Favorites screen.

Adding a Product to Favorites

  1. From the Home screen, click Execute Routine to access the Parts screen.

  2. Navigate to a folder that contains products. If you don't see an expected folder, check the Settings screen and check if there's a reference to the folder.

  3. Select the folder or select a product in the folder to show the selected item's Details pane.

  4. From the Details pane, next to Favorite, click the small blue star symbol to mark it (). A marked star indicates that the Favorite folder shows that product or folder.

You can also add file or folder shortcuts as favorites. For information, see "Shortcuts".

Removing a Product from Favorites

Follow the above procedure, but instead, click on the star to clear the star symbol.

Viewing Favorites

From the left sidebar, click Favorites to see the Favorites screen. You can also see some favorites on the Home screen in the Favorites area.

Related Topics:

The Parts Screen

The Add-ons Screen

The Settings Screen

The Details Pane
