Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS CMM > Getting Started > PC-DMIS CMM Tutorial
Current Help System: PC-DMIS CMM (View Core Help)
This section helps you create a basic measurement routine. Once you create it, the measurement routine should be able to measure a few features with your CMM and report the results. This tutorial assumes that you have an online license of PC-DMIS. Even if you do not have an online license of PC-DMIS, you can follow through many of the tutorial's steps in Offline mode.
The tutorial also provides a high-level view of some of what PC-DMIS can do.
If you have any questions, you can use the PC-DMIS Core documentation at any time to get more information. Also, many tutorial steps have links to applicable PC-DMIS Core documentation topics.
The tutorial guides you through these steps: