Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Core Help File > Using Geometric Tolerances
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Core
Introduction to Geometric Tolerances and Feature Control Frames
Structuring your Measurement Routine for Geometric Tolerances
Dialog Box Usage and Command Syntax
Defining Geometric Tolerances and Controlling Reporting
Geometric Tolerance Dialog Box
How PC-DMIS Solves and Uses Datums
Feature Types With and Without Surface Data
Evaluating Size with the Geometric Tolerance Command
Deriving the Toleranced Feature
Outputting Results from Geometric Tolerances
Options to Control Migration Math Types and Standards
Migration to Constructed Input Features
Migration to Legacy Dimensions
To Dimension a Feature Using the SIZE Option
Supported ISO 14405-1 Modifiers
Using GD&T Selection Modes to Create FCFs
Using GD&T Selection Mode (from CAD)
Using GD&T Selection Mode (from File)