The Optimize Path Workflow Dialog Box

To access the Optimize Path Workflow dialog box, choose Edit | Optimize Path.

Optimize Path Workflow Dialog Box

With this dialog box, PC-DMIS can reorder the measurement routine's commands to create the most efficient path for the probe to take. At the end of this process, PC-DMIS can also recommend optimal tip angles for the features in your routine. For the procedure that goes with this dialog box, see "Path Optimization Procedure".

This dialog box uses three panels. The dots at the bottom indicate the panels and which panel you're on. From left to right, these dots indicate panels 1, 2, and 3.

When the dialog box opens, it shows panel 1.

The topics for the panels show all the items on the dialog box.

When you access this dialog box for the first time, PC-DMIS positions it on top of the Edit Window. You can then move or size the dialog box. When you next open the dialog box, the software remembers its latest position and size.


The Optimize Path Workflow Dialog Box - Panel 1

The Optimize Path Workflow Dialog Box - Panel 2

The Optimize Path Workflow Dialog Box - Panel 3