The Optimize Path Workflow Dialog Box - Panel 1

Panel 1 contains the options for the path optimization. In this panel, you can decide to optimize the path for all the features or just a subset of features based on a selected range of features.

Optimize Path Workflow dialog box (Panel 1)

Features and Options area - With this area, you can decide what features receive the path optimization:

All features - This option makes the path optimization occur for all the features in the measurement routine.

Selected features - The option makes the path optimization occur for only a range of features in the measurement routine.

Starting feature - This is the first feature in a range of features. You can also choose the feature directly from the Graphic Display window.

Ending feature -This is the last feature in a range of features. You can also choose the feature directly from the Graphic Display window.

Advanced Settings

These values are persistent. This means if you change these values, the next time you open the dialog box, the software pulls in the values for these items from the JSON file.

Tip Changes area - With this area, you can decide if and how PC-DMIS adds tip changes during optimization.

Add tip changes - This switch determines whether PC-DMIS automatically inserts tip changes during the optimization. If you turn this switch off, the Use only defined tips and Ask if tip not found switches are disabled.

Use only defined tips - This switch determines whether PC-DMIS only uses defined tips to measure features. If PC-DMIS cannot find an appropriate tip then it assigns a tip of T?A?B? to that feature in the measurement routine. It then adds this feature to the Features without tips in panel 3 of the dialog box after the optimize path process finishes (for more information, see "The Optimize Path Workflow Dialog Box - Panel 3"). If you turn off this switch, PC-DMIS uses undefined tips. Prior to execution, PC-DMIS requires that you calibrate any undefined tips.

Ask if tip not found - This switch determines whether PC-DMIS prompts the operator if it cannot determine the optimal tip for a given feature. This lets the operator manually specify the most appropriate tip.

Filter tips - This switch filters tips so that PC-DMIS considers only those tips with angles that are within the Filter angle value. The Filter angle value defines a maximum range for considered tip angles. If you don't filter the tips, PC-DMIS considers all available tips.

Dimensions area - With this area, you can decide when to insert dimensions from your inspection plan into the measurement routine.

Insert at end - This option inserts dimensions at the end of all the measured features.

Insert as soon as possible - This option inserts dimensions as soon as possible after each measured feature.

Sorting features and groups area - With this area, you can decide how PC-DMIS handles sorting features and sorting features in groups.

Reorder features - This switch determines whether PC-DMIS sorts the features during the optimization. This enables the following two options.

If you turned on All features under Features and Options, then this sorts all features. If you chose Selected features then PC-DMIS only sorts that selected range of features. The default value for this switch is on.

Reorder features inside of groups - This switch determines whether PC-DMIS sorts features inside of GROUP commands during the optimization. If you don't choose to sort inside groups, the software doesn't sort features in groups. Instead, it only sorts the groups themselves as if they were a single feature. The default value for this switch is off.

Sort Inside Groups - This linked text opens a Sort Inside Groups dialog box that contains all the GROUP commands in the measurement routine. You need to mark the check box next to each group you want to sort. The software sorts inside groups with the inner-most group first. It handles each group as a single feature to its parent group.

Related Topics:

Path Optimization Procedure

The Optimize Path Workflow Dialog Box

The Optimize Path Workflow Dialog Box - Panel 2

The Optimize Path Workflow Dialog Box - Panel 3