Columns and Descriptions

This topic describes the columns in the Setup K-Field Configuration dialog box (Setup | K-Field Configuration) and indicates whether you can edit them.

Key (not editable) - This column displays the K-field's identification number.

Type (not editable) - This column displays the K-field’s type. Each field has a type that controls the information that can go in that field. Based on the key, the column displays any of the following values:

Length (editable) - This column displays the K-field’s maximum length. Q-DAS recommends the length. To change the length, right-click on the value.

Setup K-Field Configuration dialog box shortcut menu

Right-click menu on the MaxLength column

Edit - This option enables you to edit the value.

To set the maximum character input length, type any numeric value.

To set no limit for the maximum length, type "---" (without the quotation marks).

Reset for all marked - This option resets the length for each marked row.

Field Name (not editable) - This column displays the K-field’s name.

Custom Field Name (editable) - This column displays the K-field’s custom name.

Status (editable in certain cases) - This column displays the check boxes to specify whether specific K-fields are used. The statuses of some K-fields are protected and cannot be modified.

Mandatory (editable in certain cases) - This column displays the check boxes to determine whether operator input is mandatory for specific K-fields. If you select the check box, the operator cannot exit applicable dialog boxes without providing the value. Some K-fields are always mandatory.

Predefined (editable in certain cases) - This column displays the check boxes to determine if operator input is done inside a text box (enables the operator to provide any value) or is selected from a combo box (enables more controlled input). Some K-fields must take operator input from a text box while others must take it from a combo box. You can use the Setup Predefined Values dialog box to specify the values and descriptions of predefined fields. For details, see "Setting Up K-Field Configuration".

Catalog (editable) - This column displays the list to assign K-fields to a Q-DAS catalog.

Value From (editable) - This column displays the lists to identify where the value is from:

The numbers following "UI_" refer to different areas in the operator interface where values can be selected.

You cannot modify values in rows that are unavailable.