The Auto Feature Dialog Box in PC-DMIS Vision

Auto Feature dialog box

The Auto Feature dialog box helps you determine what to measure. Regardless of your selection, PC-DMIS shows the Auto Feature dialog box with the appropriate feature type selected from the list in the Measurement Properties area.

You can use a vision probe to program features in a manner similar to contact probe. The three available methods are:

The Auto Feature dialog box controls specific to PC-DMIS Vision are discussed below. For information that is not covered in this section, see "The Auto Feature Dialog Box" in the "Creating Auto Features" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

Probe Toolbox settings are included at the bottom of the Auto Feature dialog box. The settings are specific to the current Auto feature being edited. For information about using the probe toolbox with PC-DMIS Vision, see "Using the Probe Toolbox in PC-DMIS Vision".


A Note on the Terminology of Hits

Feature Properties Area

Measurement Properties Area

Advanced Measurement Options Area

Command Buttons

Vision Field Definitions