Custom Probe Builder Utility - Assemble Tab

(This item pertains to the Custom Probe Builder Utility, accessible through Edit | Preferences | Custom Probe Builder Utility.)

You can use the Assemble tab to assemble a custom probe component.

Custom Probe Builder Utility - Assemble tab

To create an assembly from various components:

  1. From the Probe File section, select a file.

  2. From the Connection Type list, select the appropriate type of connection.

  3. From the Component Selection list, select a component. The software updates the list based on the Probe File selection. The software uses the list to create an assembled component from the files, and then it sorts all the items in the list by their connection types. For example, if Connection #1 is defined as an M8 connection, only items that can connect to an M8 connection are available in the list.

Custom Probe Builder Utility - Assemble tab showing the start of an assembly build

For example, in the Assemble tab shown above:

  1. From the Probe File area, select another file or use the currently selected file to continue to build the assembly.

At any point, you can change the Probe File option and select items you created in the Component Builder tab.

Custom Probe Builder Utility - Assemble tab showing the continuation of an assembly build

  1. From the Connection Type list, select a new connection type. If an assembly already exists, a prompt asks if you want to clear the current build. Click Yes to clear the build and start over, or click No to return to the current build.

  2. From the Component Selection list, select new components to add to the connections. Some components may have more connections that you can add onto, while others may end with terminating elements (Spheres, Disks and Shanks) as shown below:

Custom Probe Builder Utility - Assemble tab showing the completion of an assembly build

  1. Update the assembly with any of these options:

  1. In the Assembly Name box, enter a name for the assembly, and then click Save.

Modifying the Rotation Angle of a Component

If a connected component has an incorrect orientation, you can rotate it.

Custom Probe Builder Utility - Assemble tab showing connectors requiring an orientation change

To correct the orientation of a connection:

  1. Right-click an item in the connector tree to open the Edit Component dialog box.

  2. Edit Component dialog box

  3. In the Default rotation angle about connection box, enter the angle (any angle from +180° to -180° inclusive). 0 (zero) is the default angle.

  4. Click OK to rotate the component in the graphic area.

  5. Click Save.


Custom Probe

Custom Probe Builder Utility Dialog Box

Custom Probe Builder Utility File Menu

Custom Probe Builder Utility CAD Components Tab

Custom Probe Builder Utility Component Builder Tab

Creating and Using Connection Points on a Polygon Element