Custom Probe Builder Utility - Component Builder Tab

(This item pertains to the Custom Probe Builder Utility, accessible through Edit | Preferences | Custom Probe Builder Utility.)

You can use the Custom Probe Builder Utility Component Builder tab to create custom probe components from element types.

To build a probe component:

  1. In the Component Name box, enter a unique name.

  2. From the Element Type area, select the type of element to create. You can create tips, extensions, or polygons. You can combine multiple elements of the same type to create more advanced components. However, you cannot create an extension and add a tip onto it from this tab.

For example, to create a tip named "Tip1" from two tip element types (a Cylinder and a Sphere) you would:

  1. Enter "Tip1" in the Component Name box.

  2. Select Cylinder from the Tip area of the Element Type section.

  3. Enter the diameter and height values for the cylindrical tip in the Diameter and Height boxes that appear, and then click Create.

  4. Select Sphere in the Tip area.

  5. Enter the diameter of the sphere in the Diameter box and click Create. The software draws each element in the dialog box's graphic area.

  6. Custom Probe Builder Utility - Component Builder tab with a custom probe defined

  7. Click Save to save your work.

The software indicates terminating elements in red. Terminating elements are the Sphere, Disk, and Shank tips. You cannot append other elements onto them. The example above shows a terminating Sphere tip connected to a non-terminating Cylinder tip.

The software indicates non-terminating elements in gray. Non-terminating elements are the Cylinder and Cone.

The software requires a unique name for each custom probe saved. If you want to continue to build a new component, click Clear to remove the current component.

About Element Properties

The Element Properties area changes based on the Element Type selected. All elements allow you to specify the connection type available from the drop-down list.

For example, a Polygon component has these element properties:

Custom Probe Builder Utility - Component Builder tab with a Polygon created

Using Create, Undo, Save, and Clear

The Create button temporarily stores the built component. This lets you combine multiple element types of the same category together.

The Undo button removes the most recently created element from the current component. You can click Undo multiple times to remove each successive element until the graphic area empties.

The Clear button discards any created items or selected options and lets you start over with the creation process. If you have not saved your work, this permanently removes the current component.

The Save button saves your work to the .dat file you opened when you started the Custom Probe Builder Utility. Once you save a component, you can then use the Clear button to safely remove your work and clear the dialog box in order to create new components. This makes it so you don't have to close and reopen the dialog box to create new element types.

Zooming and Rotating

You can pan, zoom, rotate, and size the image in the graphic area:

Creating a Cut Cylinder

From the Extension section, use the Cylinder option to cut a cylindrical extension at a defined angle. You can then attach the next extension at that angle to create a bend in the extension.

To create a cut cylinder:

  1. In the Component Name box, enter the name of the cut cylinder.

  2. In the Extension area of the Component Builder tab, click the Cylinder option to enable the Connect Angle button in the Element Properties area.

  3. Click the Connect Angle button to display the Connection Angle dialog box.

  4. Connection Angle dialog box

  5. Enter the desired vector values and then click OK. These determine the angle that the software uses to cut the cylinder.

  6. From the Element Properties area, in the Diameter and Height boxes, enter the diameter and height values for the cylinder.

  7. Click the Create button to display the cut cylinder.

  8. Custom Probe Builder Utility - Component Builder tab showing a sample Cut Cylinder

  9. Click the Save button to save the new component.


Custom Probe

Custom Probe Builder Utility Dialog Box

Custom Probe Builder Utility File Menu

Custom Probe Builder Utility CAD Components Tab

Custom Probe Builder Utility Assemble Tab

Creating and Using Connection Points on a Polygon Element