Auto Wrist

When you select the Auto Wrist icon on the Auto Feature bar, PC-DMIS first proves if the current active tip can be used to measure the selected feature. If not, it determines the best wrist position (tip) to use when an Auto feature is measured. Upon feature creation, PC-DMIS displays the Auto Wrist dialog box in case a new tip is needed:

Auto Wrist dialog box

Use the options in the dialog box to specify the wrist angle that best approaches the feature:

When you directly measure a Laser Cone or Laser Cylinder with a Tesastar wrist, the best scanning direction may be along the feature’s vector or normal to it. This however depends on the ability of the head to rotate to an angle that allows you to scan in a direction normal to the stripe’s orientation. For details, see "Auto Cone Paths" or "Auto Cylinder Paths" in the PC-DMIS Laser documentation.

If you select the Auto Wrist icon, PC-DMIS chooses a position that most closely approximates the best approach direction:

If the icon is not selected, PC-DMIS uses the current wrist position to measure the feature.


Automatically Adjust Probe Head Wrist