Understanding Best Fit Alignments

A Best Fit alignment is an alignment that causes a set of measured points or a set of actual feature centroids to match, as closely as possible to its nominal location or theoretical counterpart. In certain cases, it is also possible for a Best Fit alignment to optimally match a set of points to a CAD curve or surface.

To understand the different Best Fit Alignment methods, see "The Best Fit Alignment Methods".

About Exclusions

For 2D Vector Best Fit Alignments - Features with vector directions that are perpendicular to the 2D best-fit plane are excluded from the alignment calculation.

For All Best Fit Alignments - Features that are skipped during measurement routine execution are excluded from the alignment calculation.

If all features of the alignment are excluded, PC-DMIS displays an error message. If this occurs during execution, PC-DMIS pauses the execution and gives you the option of canceling execution. You can check the Best Fit Alignment dialog box (Insert | Alignment | New | Best Fit button) to see if any of the alignment's features were excluded due to invalid vectors or because they were skipped during execution.



The Best Fit Alignment Methods

2D Best Fit Command Line Format

3D Best Fit Command Line Format

Best Fit Alignment Types

Constraints for Best Fit Alignments

Feature Weights

Constructed Feature Sets and Curves as Best Fit Alignment Inputs

Scans as Best Fit Alignment Inputs

Tagged Features in a Feature Set or Scan

Alignment Center of Rotation

Point Set to CAD Alignments