MP Error Codes

This section details the following MP error codes:

MP-001 Bad command message syntax error MP-169 Unexpected end-of-travel
MP-002 Destination not present or MP runtime system error MP-170 Touch probe will not rearm
MP-003 Resource shortage MP-171 MP to PH9/PH10 communication error
MP-004 Numeric error MP-172 PH9/PH10 to MP communication error
MP-007 CPU EPROM checksum error MP-173 PH9 probe overload
MP-008 CPU EPROM checksum error MP-174 PH9/PH10 to MP buffer overflow
MP-013 MP-to-Host buffer overflow MP-175 Z-axis excessive bias
MP-015 MP foreground-to-background buffer overflow MP-176 Z-axis bound up
MP-018 MP internal counter error MP-177 MP front panel keyboard error
MP-019 MP and DCC firmware incompatibility MP-178 MP configuration data checksum error
MP-021 Atlas Y2 counter fault MP-179 Probe checksum error
MP-022 Atlas Y3 counter fault MP-180 Microprocessor Enhanced Accuracy (MEA) checksum error
MP-023 Atlas Y2 beam block error MP-181 Invalid MEA data
MP-024 Atlas Y3 beam block error MP-182 Optional interface error
MP-025 Auxiliary X-axis A/D conversion error MP-183 Probe changer rack disconnected
MP-026 Auxiliary Y-axis A/D conversion error MP-184 Probe changer overtravel error
MP-027 Auxiliary Z-axis A/D conversion error MP-186 Invalid W-axis MEA data
MP-028 SP600 +12-volt fuse blown MP-310 Invalid front panel keystroke combination
MP-029 SP600 -12-volt fuse blown MP-320 Invalid function selected
MP-030 SP600 +5-volt fuse blown MP-330 Keystroke buffer overflow
MP-031 Probe overtravel fault MP-340 Offset angle error
MP-032 Counter hardware/configuration mismatch MP-501 MP CPU Board RAM failure
MP-033 W-axis counter fault MP-502 CPU Interrupt chip failure
MP-034 X-axis counter fault MP-503 Non-existent I/O device or RAM failure
MP-035 Y-axis counter fault MP-504 Real time clock failure
MP-036 Z-axis counter fault MP-505 Two millisecond clock interrupt failure
MP-042 Temperature Compensation hardware absent MP-506 Control board read/write failure
MP-043 Temperature Compensation hardware failure MP-507 Control board RCU interface UART failure
MP-045 Excessive MP hardware temperatures MP-508 Control board RCU interface UART interrupt failure
MP-046 Temperature Compensation or Digital I/O board failure MP-510 Interrupts not operating
MP-047 Temperature Compensation D/A failure MP-511 Control board RCU interface interrupt fail
MP-048 TempComp or laser system configuration error MP-512 Interrupt priority fail
MP-055 SP600 interface card A/D conversion failure MP-515 IEEE 488 initialization failure
MP-059 Renishaw emergency stop error MP-516 Front panel decode fail
MP-060 DCC to MP acknowledge timeout MP-517 MP panel switch stuck
MP-064 APL checksum error MP-519 EPROM checksum error
MP-077 W-axis beam block error MP-521 EPROM directory error
MP-078 X-axis beam block error MP-522 D/A board conversion failure
MP-079 Y-axis beam block error MP-523 RS-232 host interface failure
MP-080 Z-axis beam block error MP-524 RS-232 PH9/PH10 interface failure
MP-081 laser off or total beam block error MP-525 RS-232 Probe changer interface failure
MP-082 laser lock error MP-526 RS-232 electronic level interface failure
MP-083 laser not stable after warm-up time limit MP-527 SMP-400 FLASH memory error
MP-090 APC UART input error MP-528 SMP-400 FLASH memory error
MP-091 APC data input buffer overflow MP-529 SMP-400 FLASH memory error
MP-092 APC GO message timeout MP-530 SMP-400 FLASH memory error
MP-093 APC lock error MP-531 SMP-400 RAM memory error
MP-094 APC lid timeout error MP-532 SMP-400 RAM memory error
MP-095 APC excessive entry speed MP-533 No amp/check/divide board present
MP-105 Host to MP communication interrupted MP-534 Amp/check/divide board failure
MP-108 MP to RCU communications error MP-535 No DCC board present
MP-109 RCU to MP communications error MP-536 DCC board failure
MP-111 Host to MP communication error MP-537 DCC board failure
MP-117 W-axis servo amplifier overheat MP-538 DCC board failure
MP-118 X-axis servo amplifier overheat MP-539 DCC board failure
MP-119 Y-axis servo amplifier overheat MP-540 No TempComp board present
MP-120 Z-axis servo amplifier overheat MP-541 TempComp board failure
MP-121 W-axis servo amplifier fault MP-542 TempComp board failure
MP-122 X-axis servo amplifier fault MP-543 TempComp board failure
MP-123 Y-axis servo amplifier fault MP-544 TempComp board failure
MP-124 Z-axis servo amplifier fault MP-545 TempComp board failure
MP-127 Piezo touch error MP-546 TempComp board failure
MP-129 W-axis Hirth coupling lock failure MP-547 Processor board failure
MP-130 Operator abort MP-548 Processor board failure
MP-131 W-axis Hirth coupling unlock failure MP-550 Insufficient RAM
MP-142 W-axis is bound MP-551 Too many soft rate groups
MP-143 Servo chassis power supply fault MP-560 Processor board failure
MP-146 W-axis runaway MP-561 UART interrupt failure
MP-147 X-axis runaway MP-562 UART interrupt failure
MP-148 Y-axis runaway MP-563 UART interrupt failure
MP-149 Z-axis runaway MP-564 UART interrupt failure
MP-151 D/A updates were late or missing MP-565 UART interrupt failure
MP-158 X-axis excessive bias MP-566 UART interrupt failure
MP-159 X-axis bound up MP-601 DCC RAM failure
MP-160 DCC board inoperative MP-619 DCC EPROM checksum error
MP-161 RCU inoperative MP-621 DCC EPROM directory error
MP-162 Y-axis excessive bias MP-650 Insufficient DCC RAM
MP-163 Y-axis bound up MP-651 Too many DCC software rate groups present
MP-164 W-axis overspeed MP-697 Servo off pushbutton stuck
MP-165 X-axis overspeed MP-698 E-stop circuit open
MP-166 Y-axis overspeed  
MP-167 Z-axis overspeed  
MP-168 Unexpected touch