Starting the Application

  1. To start Inspect, click or press the Windows Start button.

  2. Type Inspect 5.1.

  3. Click the Inspect 5.1 shortcut to start the software. (If you are an administrator, you can run PC-DMIS as an administrator in order to change add-ons and certain settings.)

      1. At the Welcome to Inspect screen, choose an add-on that matches your metrology package and version.

      2. For Other Add-Ons, choose any additional add-ons you want to use.

      1. At the Welcome to Inspect screen, your previously-selected metrology package and version are pre-selected. If you need to make a change, you can do so now.

      2. For Other Add-Ons, your previously-selected add-ons are pre-selected. If you need to make a change, you can do so now.

For a description of the available add-ons, see the "The Add-ons Screen" topic.

  1. Once you have selected the initial add-ons, click Start Using Inspect to install the add-ons you selected onto your computer.

  2. Once Inspect finishes the installation of the base add-ons as well as the add-ons you selected, the Home screen appears.

Later, when you run Inspect, if you run PC-DMIS first, you must run Inspect with identical privileges. If you don't run with identical privileges, Inspect and PC-DMIS won't be able to communicate properly when you attempt to execute measurement routines. For example, if you run PC-DMIS first with standard privileges, you also need to run Inspect with standard privileges.