Spline Settings

Use the Spline Settings tab to specify advanced settings for spline generation.

Preferences dialog box - Spline Settings tab

Preferences dialog box - Spline Settings tab

If your plots look "blocky," then it may be useful to increase the Display: Number of segments per curve value to a higher value. This may slow down PC-DMIS Blade, but it increases the curved look to the section.

Often, the end of the MCL is not well-behaved. Set these percentages to define the amount that the point on the MCL should be backed away from the end. The value is a percentage of the MCL length.

For example, if the nominal chord length of a blade is 20, and you use the default percentage of 0.1, the point on the MCL that defines the location and direction of the terminal MCL ray is 0.02 from the end of the MCL. The units used are the spline parameterization.

If you are using the new MCL algorithm, PC-DMIS Blade ignores the Nominal MCL Backoff Percentage and Measured MCL Backoff Percentage percentages.

Spline Creation Parameters Area

Usually, it is not necessary to change these parameters for most inspections. Typical reasons for changes may include:

Mean Camber Line Options Area

The MCL is created by computing a set of points that satisfy the requirements for fitting on the MCL. That set of points creates the MCL spline curve.


Mean Camber Lines

Editing Blade Preferences

Profile Plot


