Nominal File Keywords

Keyword Parameters Description Data Type



Units of the blade



Number of sections

Number of sections



Section Points Height [I] [SKEWED]

Section name, number of points, section height, default section indicator and SKEWED keyword

String, Integer, Real, String, String


1st point, [2nd point][FORCE][SQUARE][PARTIAL]

Nose point(s) of airfoil, and end type

Integer, Integer, String X 3


1st point, [2nd point][FORCE][SQUARE][PARTIAL]

Tail point(s) of airfoil, and end type

Integer, Integer, String X 3



Edge in offsets for curve definition

Real, Real


There should be one definition block for each section. The first line of a section block should start with the keyword SECTION, followed by the name of the section, the number of points used to define the section, and the section height. The name of the section cannot have any spaces or underscores ("_"). In general, it should be a combination of alphanumeric characters with no punctuation.


When two integers are present, they indicate the ends of the concave and convex sides and the beginning of the leading edge and trailing edge. The words SQUARE or PARTIAL should follow the integers to identify which condition is present. Example: "NOSE 1 112 SQUARE". For more information, see "Measuring a Square-End Blade".

If not specified, the nose point is assumed to be the MCL exit point on the end with the largest radius and the trailing edge the opposite.

The FORCE keyword forces the MCL to terminate at a certain point. This applies to certain conditions where the nominal blade data is not well-defined at the end (this often happens in reverse engineering situations).


If you do not supply the offsets, they are assumed to be twice the end radii.

If you supply offsets in the Tolerance file, they override these offsets.


Following the section header, there should be one line for each point of the section.

Six real numbers define each point, the XYZ location, and the IJK surface normal. The I and J components of the vector are not used unless they are called for in the compensation preferences (they recalculate based on the spline). The K component of the vector plays an important role in probe compensation for blades with significant axial pitch.

The numbers can be comma, space, or tab-delimited.


Nominal File

Editing a Nominal File

Reverse Engineer a Nominal File