Executing a Playlist

  1. Start your playlist execution from one of these areas:

The Playlists folder

The Recent section of the Home screen

A barcode

  1. With each playlist execution, Inspect checks to ensure that there aren't any invalid or missing measurement routines. If it finds a problem, it shows an Execution Error dialog box with a message that there are invalid routines. On the error message, you can click the Edit Playlist button to see what routines are invalid. They appear in red text in the Routines tab of the playlist dialog box.

  2. If you use trace fields in your playlist, when the execution starts, Inspect shows the Playlist Execution Options screen so that you can define those variables. Inspect then copies the measurement routine to a temporary file in the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Hexagon\Inspect\TempExecutionLocation.

    Inspect modifies this temporary file with references for any user-defined trace fields and automatic trace fields that you can use.

  3. If the playlist has any pre-execution files attached to it, click Open in External Application () to view that file. Once you are ready to proceed, click Continue to start the execution.

  4. The Measure screen changes to show the Playlist Execution View.

  5. When a routine finishes execution, but the playlist hasn't yet finished, a green bar shows "Measurement Completed" near the bottom of the screen.

  6. Use the buttons on this green bar to view a summary (Summary), re-measure the routine (Re-measure), move onto the next routine (Done), or cancel the playlist execution (Cancel).

  7. When the entire execution finishes, the Playlist Summary View appears and the green bar near the bottom of the screen now shows "Execution Completed".

  8. Click Done to close the Measure screen.

Related Topics:

Using Playlists

Creating a Playlist

Adding to a Playlist

Editing or Deleting a Playlist

Using Pallet Playlists

Executing a Pallet Playlist

The Playlist Dialog Box

The Playlist Execution Options Screen

The Playlist Execution View

The Playlist Summary View

The Home Screen

The Parts Screen