HxGN NC Server 2021.2


  • You can now click the Warning triangle next to the Analyze switch to view a list of all waiting journal files and the waiting machines. The Analyze switch must be in the Off position for this to occur.

  • NC Server now has a setting that allows you to disable warnings if the Machine ID in a journal file does not match the the machine that is processing the data.

  • The gRPC Service "MTM Net" has been added to the NC Server to support communication with NC Gage and other products.

  • NC Server now has the ability to automatically import CNCSettings.dat files from earlier versions of PC-DMIS NC.

  • NC Server can now import and export machine configuration data.

  • NC Server can now export the entire server configuration, including programs, calibration data, and CNC files to exchange with the NC Server Offline Manager.

  • NC Server can now import programs and CNC files from NC Server Offline Manager.

  • NC Server can now check shared folders to see if they exist and if the correct access rights are available.

  • NC Server no longer requires administrator privileges for normal operation of NC Server with PC-DMIS.

  • PC-DMIS now runs as a separate process from NC Server.

  • NC Server now polls PC-DMIS to check when the application is hung up or if a crash occurred. If no response occurs within a specified timeout period, NC Server attempts to recover and restart PC-DMIS.

  • NC Server now has a setting to launch NC Server when the computer starts.

  • NC Server no longer automatically starts in Analyzing mode by default. You can now enable or disable this option in the Settings dialog box.

  • NC Server now automatically generates reports even if the PC-DMIS program does not contain a report command.

  • NC Server now automatically collects and stores the DFQ files created by NC Gage and Smooth OMM from the CNC machine.

  • You can now download and install NC Server from the Universal Updater application.

  • When journal files are waiting to be processed, because NC Server is not in Analyze mode, NC Server now displays the Warning triangle next to the Analyze switch along with the number of journals waiting.

  • When you upgrade NC Server, a backup copy of the CNCSettings.xml is created. You can use this if you need to restore the previous system.