HxGN NC Server 2021.2


Start Menu Product Icons


NC Server icon


NC Server Offline Manager icon

The HxGN NC Server configures, manages, and monitors multiple machine tools, over a network for use with PC-DMIS. This allows you to use PC-DMIS measurement routines on CNC machine tools for setup, inspections, and process feedback.

For offline programming, you can use the NC Server Offline Manager to create and modify PC-DMIS measurement routines and CNC posts without interrupting production.

When you run NC Server or NC Server Offline Manager, PC-DMIS runs in the background to evaluate measurement data collected by the CNC machines and to create CNC programs. You define the CNC machines in NC Server.

If you open PC-DMIS from within NC Server or NC Server Offline Manager, you can post out PC-DMIS measurement routines to CNC programs for use with the machines defined in NC Server.

Note that you must open PC-DMIS from either NC Server or NC Server Offline Manager to create CNC posts. You cannot create CNC posts if you start PC-DMIS offline directly.

You should always use either NC Server or NC Server Offline Manager to create CNC programs with PC-DMIS.


To use NC functions with PC-DMIS, you must open PC-DMIS from NC Server or NC Server Offline Manager. If you open PC-DMIS directly from the Start menu, the NC functions are not available.