HxGN NC Server 2021.2

Appendix A - File Locations

NC Server stores data in the directory targeted by the environment variable %ProgramData%\Hexagon\NC Server. This typically resolves to "C:\ProgramData\Hexagon\NC Server".

You can find these folders in the NC Server installation directory:

NC Server File Locations

Folder Name



This folder contains files created from the Machines | Offline or the Machines | Export functions in NC Server. NC Server uses these files, transferring them to and from the NC Server Offline Manager.


This is the default folder that PC-DMIS uses to post CNC files.


This is the folder that NC Server uses to save machine definition and machine data files. These contain, for example, probe and rotary axis calibration data. NC Server also saves reports for each machine definition here.


This is the folder where NC Server archives all journal files after analysis.


This is the folder that NC Server uses to save log files and log file archives.

(For PC-DMIS log files, see the "%ProgramFiles%\Hexagon\PC-DMIS" folder)


This is the folder where NC Server saves internal files for controller setup and configuration.


This is the folder where NC Server saves internal files for data definitions.


This is the folder where NC Server saves application and logging settings files.