HxGN NC Server 2021.2

NC Server Offline Manager Layout


Area Number

Area Name



Application Menu

This area provides functions that work with the data in NC Server Offline Manager. These functions include:

  • Importing NC server data

  • Opening PC-DMIS

  • Exporting programs


Server View

This area provides you with information on the machines that are defined in an NC server. If you imported machines from multiple NC servers, the software lists the servers in a drop-down at the top of this area. When you select a server from the list, the software shows this information:

  • All machines defined on the selected server

  • Machine configuration information

  • Last calibration date of the probe


Settings and Information

This area shows:

  • Application settings

  • General information

  • Error messages

  • Licensing information


Machine Details and Data

This area shows a summary of the machine data, CNC files, and probe files that are defined for the selected machine.