HxGN NC Server 2021.2

Floating Machine Toolbar

Machine Toolbar

If you hover your mouse pointer over a machine card. NC Server shows the floating Machine toolbar.

The available options for this toolbar are:



machine_toolbar_edit.jpg Edit

This option opens the Machine Definition dialog box that you can use to edit the selected machine.

machine_toolbar_delete.jpg Delete

This option deletes the selected machine and its associated machine card.

machine_toolbar_generate.jpg Generate

This option generates the macro set for the selected machine.

machine_toolbar_upload.jpg Upload

This option allows you to upload macros to the selected machine.

machine_toolbar_view_report_folder.jpg View Report Folder

This option opens the folder that contains the reports for the selected machine.

machine_toolbar_run_journal.jpg Run Journal

This option opens the Run Journal dialog box for measurement data collected by the selected machine.