HxGN NC Server 2021.2

Run Journal


Run Journal button

You can click the Run Journal button to recall a previously executed journal file from the Execute Journal File dialog box. You can then review the results in PC-DMIS or perform further analysis on it.


Execute Journal File dialog box

To run a journal which was previously analyzed:

  1. Select the machine on which the data was collected.

  2. Click Run Journal to access the Execute Journal File dialog box.

  3. From the Programs list, select the measurement routine.

  4. From the Journal Files list, select the journal file to re-execute.

  5. Select the Delete journal file after execution check box to delete the selected journal file after it executes.

  6. Select the Update Control check box to update the information on the controller after the selected journal file executes.

  7. Click the Execute button.

NC Server formats the journal file names as <Machine Name><Machine ID><Date><Time>, where:

<Date> is yyyymmdd and

<Time> is hhmmss

In this way, you can use the file name to locate a specific journal file.


If you originally used a program or journal file to update information on the machine (for example, work offset, tool offset, or write variable), then replaying a journal file does NOT update this information again.

If you need to use the journal file to update the information on the control again, you must select the Update Control check box in the bottom-left of the Execute Journal File dialog box.