HxGN NC Server 2021.2

New Dashboard UI

The dashboard User Interface (UI) in NC Server has been completely redesigned with these added features:

  • NC Server now represents machines as separate cards that display and provide access to information that is specific to an individual machine.

  • Machine cards can contain information for PC-DMIS status, NC Gage status, and machine status, depending on the installed software and the type of connection to the machine.

  • NC Server now provides status updates on the machine cards with text messages. In addition, depending on the machine's configuration, color icons may appear on the cards to denote the connection type with an added text line under the machine name.

  • You can now access the last measurement report created by PC-DMIS or NC Gage directly from a Report button on the machine cards.

  • NC Server now displays information about the last program that was run on a machine on the machine card. The information also includes a date and time stamp.

  • The Abort function has been removed.

  • NC Server now provides a system message log to track message history.

  • NC Server now provides immediate status about the software and connected machines when NC Server starts. The NC Server startup procedure has undergone numerous upgrades to minimize the wait time at startup, which includes removing the startup splash screen.

  • NC Server now puts all machine functions on a floating toolbar so that you can access them directly from each machine card.

  • You can now open the standard report folder directly from the machine card via the floating toolbar.

  • You can now change the language from the Settings dialog box.

  • You can now open the list of NC Gage reports on the machine from the machine card.

  • You can now switch between the Dark and Light UI themes from the Settings dialog box.

  • After you select a machine card and then you open PC-DMIS, if the system determines that the machine defined in the currently selected machine card and the machine defined in the PC-DMIS measurement routine do not match, NC Server now displays a warning message.